Let’s Talk About Business
I’ll be speaking at this event so pop along and say hello, click here to book: https://www.tickettailor.com/events/thespeakersindex/791940
LET’S TALK ABOUT BUSINESS is an event designed to cover various business topics in a friendly, informal, conversational environment. We’re a very friendly bunch, and we know you’ll get a lot out of this day both in connecting with fellow business owners and like-minded people and, of course, real value takeaways from the Speakers.
Everyone at this event is a successful business owner in their own right with an amazing amount of experience who will talk you through various topics that can and will affect you and your business directly.
Our speakers will cover various business topics, including Planning, Finance, PR, and more. The full itinerary will be listed very soon.
The day will be from 10 – 4 pm with networking, refreshments and an optional lunch. Each speaker will talk for 30 mins, and we’ll take questions at the end of each session.
Running Order:
- 10.00 am – Arrival / Networking
- 10.45 am – Introduction
- 11.00 am – 1st Speaker
- 11.30 am – 2nd Speaker
- 12.00 pm – 3rd Speaker
- 12.30 pm – 4th Speaker
- 1.00 pm – LUNCH
- 2.15 pm – 5th Speaker
- 2.45 pm – 6th Speaker
- 3.15 pm – 7th Speaker
- 3.45 pm – Last Speaker
- 4.00 pm – CLOSE
Please note that this event room is situated upstairs and unsuitable for anyone with mobility issues.
All tickets are non-refundable.
By signing up for this event, you are agreeing to be contacted by The Speakers Index, The Book Chief and MO2VATE Media about your answers. Your information will not be shared with any third parties, and you can request at any point to be taken off our mailing lists.
The Speakers Index is an online public speaking directory and magazine with a mission to get speakers seen and heard by the right people! To join as a speaker, visit us here thespeakersindex.com
MO2VATE Media is an online business and information hub which churns out amazing articles and books throughout the year. You can become a contributor and/or member when we relaunch in November 2022. mo2vatemedia.com (coming soon)
The Book Chief is a progressive indie publishing house niching in collaborative books but inviting all genres and Authors to publish through them. Authors Rising magazine is part of The Book Chief and runs six issues throughout the year, highlighting and featuring upcoming books. The Book Chief is also running a yearly competition to write a fiction novel in line with the NaNoWriMo Challenge every November, and the chosen book will be published FREE of charge at thebookchief.com
To book: https://www.tickettailor.com/events/thespeakersindex/791940